People demonstrate around the globe, especially the poor people, to claim when the governments ignore their voices and violate their rights. In this demonstration scenario, the protestors are in a high risk of suffer abuse and violence by the people who should care for them.
Pregón will be a free, public and anonymous mobile and web platform, created by common people for common people, to face the abuse, violence and crime, using powerful digital tools such as live video streaming, geolocation, encryption and artificial intelligence.
With Pregón we want to contribute to the search for truth, justice and reparation in situations in which assault, crimes, violence or abuses occur by civilians or members of law enforcement agencies, and in general, where human rights run the risk of being violated.
Spanish word for proclamation
How it will work Pregón App?
Just download the app and grant permissions to use your device. After that you will find 2 options: Stream Live or Visit the Library.
Release date TBD
Stream Live
When streaming live, the video with audio signal from your device will be sent to a server in the cloud, along with the record of the location, date and time in which it was captured, and additionally, the signal will be encrypted through Blockchain to guarantee its authenticity and integrity. Pregón will not collect any data that allows the user to be identified, nor will it track their location while they are not using the app. User privacy will always be our priority.
Each of the users who broadcast live through Pregón will generate a new point of view of the same event, which will be automatically synchronized in the library, allowing the viewer to alternate between the different points of view available to achieve a better understanding of the events.
Once the transmission is finished, the uploaded video and audio will be analyzed using artificial intelligence to identify and catalog as many elements as possible that appear there. In this way it will be possible to find, for example, the exact moment in which a vehicle appears at the scene, or the moment in which the detonation of an explosive device is heard. It will also be possible to individualize and monitor the actions carried out by a particular person, which may serve as evidentiary material in the commission of a crime, or to record the actions of members of the law enforcement agencies, thus guaranteeing that their proceed in accordance with the guidelines on human rights.
This artificial intelligence will also be in charge of identifying possible fraudulent, adulterated videos or that do not meet the objective of registering a situation of violation of rights, and will mark them for a review by a human analyst who will confirm or not said analysis, to this way maintain the integrity of the platform.
Visit the Library
Pregón's content library is the heart of this initiative. It is the place where all the videos transmitted by users will be stored and can be consulted, and it will be available both from the mobile application and from a web browser.
By selecting the option of Consult the Library, the user will have access to the catalog with the videos that are live at that moment anywhere in the world*, as well as the most recent videos, the most viewed, etc. Likewise, the user will also be able to access a map with position markers of all the places from which videos have previously been streamed. When the user selects a location with videos uploaded on different dates, a calendar will allow the user to select the days on which videos are available.
The main feature of the Pregón video library is the integration and synchronization of all streams that are carried out simultaneously from the same location. Suppose that a group of people gather in a square to express their disagreement with a new law that affects them. When the first user starts streaming, the platform will identify that it is a new event and classify it in the library as such. When the second user begins to transmit, the platform will associate its transmission with that of the first user, synchronizing both timelines to allow the events to be observed from different points of view.
Additionally, the user will have the possibility of generating a link to share the video of their choice, deciding the starting and ending points, and alternating between the different points of view available to achieve a clear reconstruction of the events.
*Initially available only in Colombia
Our goal is for Pregón to become, in the first instance, a deterrent tool against possible acts or behaviors that threaten the integrity of people. If this situation escalates to the point of committing a felony or any type of violation of human rights, Pregón will be video evidence, with all the necessary legality, to support a criminal process that leads to truth, justice and reparation of the victims.
You do not need to register on our platform. Just download the app, set it up, and start streaming live.
All videos will be encrypted in real time using Blockchain to guarantee the authenticity of the content and prevent deception or fraud.
All videos uploaded to Pregón will be available to be viewed live or to be consulted later, free of charge and anonymously on the platform.
Join the cause
Pregón is in an early stage of development, and for that reason, we need all possible support.
If you feel affinity for our cause, and you are a developer, graphic designer, angel investor or want to support us in some other way, please fill out the following form to contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you so much!